Tech Snacks by Passionate People

A recurring segment during our weekly company call (This week at Passionate People), is called "Tech Snacks" where we share some interesting tech updates, releases, blog posts and news from all across the web, curated specially for our team.

Passionate People Tech Snacks for Week 11, 2021

The Dark Side of Javascript: A Look at 3 Features You Never Want to Use
JavaScript has some dark corners filled with spiders, and here are 3 of them
Incremental Static Regeneration: Its Benefits and Its Flaws
There are some awesome pros and some serious cons to using incremental static regeneration in your projects.
From Design To Development Crash Course
Learn how to go from design to development using the best tools on the web!
Angular Dynamic Data with
Learn about Angular Dynamic Data with Create an Angular application that grabs data using, Netlify Functions, and webhooks!
Ghost 4.0 Announcement
Just-In-Time: The Next Generation of Tailwind CSS
One of the hardest constraints we've had to deal with as we've improved Tailwind CSS over the years is the generated file size in development. Today I'm super excited to share a new project that makes this constraint a thing of the past: a just-in-time compiler for Tailwind CSS.
Windi CSS - Next generation Tailwind CSS compiler.
Next generation Tailwind CSS compiler.
The Power of Composition with CSS Variables
How leveraging CSS variable composition and HSLA colors helped me build a more efficient way to theme my apps and rely less on CSS-in-JS.
Tim Berners-Lee: ‘We need social networks where bad things happen less’
The father of the world wide web talks about its first 30 years, the rise of the toxic internet – and whether Facebook needs to be broken up
Gamedev.js Survey: State of the HTML5 Game Development in 2021
You're encouraged to take part in the survey - it should take no more than 5-10 minutes, and will help us evaluate the current state of HTML5 Game Development. It's open between February 18th and March 18th, and we plan on sharing the results publicly a week later, on March 25th.
Charts.css - A CSS frameworks with utility classes to style HTML elements as charts.
transition.css - Drop-in CSS transitions
Drop-in CSS transitions
AWS Fault Injection Simulator – Use Controlled Experiments to Boost Resilience
AWS gives you the components that you need to build systems that are highly reliable: multiple Regions (each with multiple Availability Zones), Amazon CloudWatch (metrics, monitoring, and alarms), Auto Scaling, Load Balancing, several forms of cross-region replication, and lots more. When you put them together in line with the guidance provided in the Well-Architected Framework, […]
The case for and against Amazon Cognito
Should you consider Amazon Cognito in your project? We've got the pros & cons for you, and many of the painpoints you need to consider.
Awesome Git Aliases
Git is an amazingly powerful tool. It can keep track of all the code you write, let you organize your work into different branches, help you seamlessly work with other developers, and even let you time travel and make changes. But wouldn’t it be awesome if Git could do more? What if you could customize …
ECMAScript 2021: the final feature set
ECMAScript® 2021 Language Specification
Beyond Console.log() – Level up Your Debugging Skills
console.log() is a great tool, but your browser's developer tools can do so much more. Learn how to take your coding and debugging to the next level.
gcal/outlook like calendar component. Contribute to jquense/react-big-calendar development by creating an account on GitHub.
Formula - A Zero-Config Reactive Forms Library for Svelte
Create reactive forms in Svelte with easy using only HTML properties to configure validations
Math.js - an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js.
The Kilobyte's Gambit - a 1024 byte chess game
Can you beat 1024 bytes of JavaScript?

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