Tech Snacks by Passionate People

A recurring segment during our weekly company call (This week at Passionate People), is called "Tech Snacks" where we share some interesting tech updates, releases, blog posts and news from all across the web, curated specially for our team.

Passionate People Tech Snacks for Week 9, 2021

Avoiding npm substitution attacks
Supply chain attacks are a reality in modern software development, but you can reduce attack surface by taking precautions and managing dependencies.
How to Secure API Routes for Jamstack Sites
10 Software Engineering Laws Everybody Loves to Ignore
Sure, we all pretend to know them, but rarely do we think they apply to us. Your manager certainly doesn't...
Citibank just got a $500 million lesson in the importance of UI design
Citibank was trying to make $7.8M in interest payments. It sent $900M instead.
Introducing Env: a better way to read environment variables in JavaScript
Tauri is a toolkit that helps developers make applications for the major desktop platforms
Tauri is a framework for building tiny, blazing fast binaries for all major desktop platforms. Developers can integrate any front-end framework that compiles to HTML, JS and CSS for building their user interface.
How they SRE: A curated collection of publicly available resources on how companies practice SRE
A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) - upgundecha/howtheysre
Exploring Caching Techniques in React
How to use memoization, contexts, useMemo, useState, and useEffect
Serverless UI: Deploying Websites to AWS on Easy Mode
A command-line utility for deploying serverless applications to AWS. Complete with custom domains, deploy previews, TypeScript support, and more. - JakePartusch/serverlessui
Building a serverless multi-player game that scales
This post introduces the Simple Trivia Service, a single- and multi-player game built using a serverless-first architecture on AWS. I cover different solutions that you can use to enable connectivity from your game client to a serverless-first backend for both single- and multi-player games.
Looks Good To Me: Making code reviews better for remote-first teams
Why do you do code reviews? Perhaps it’s company policy, just an automatic part of your process, but have you ever sat down with your team…
Streams—The definitive guide
The Streams API allows JavaScript to programmatically access streams of data received over the network and process them as desired.
JavaScript performance beyond bundle size
There’s an old story about a drunk trying to find his keys in the streetlight. Why? Well, because that’s where it’s the brightest. It’s a funny story, but also relatable, be…
flowchart-fun: create nice looking flowcharts with text
A small app for making quick flowcharts from text âż» - tone-row/flowchart-fun
What’s New in TypeScript 4.2?
Another awesome incremental upgrade for TypeScript
How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70%
GTA Online. Infamous for its slow loading times. Having picked up the game again to finish some of the newer heists I was shocked (/s) to discover that it still loads just as slow as the day it was re
CSS-in-JS support in DevTools
How we support CSS-in-JS in DevTools and how it is different from regular CSS.
Chrome is Testing a Follow Button for Websites
Chrome Canary, the browser’s nightly build for developers, has been testing a new Follow button, as spotted on Android by the publishers of Chrome Story. The button appears on the homepage of…
Material Design Icons in Google Fonts
Making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography
A look back at 10 years of D3.js: 10 Years of Open-Source Visualization
Did I learn anything from D3.js? Let’s see… In honor of D3 1.0’s tin anniversary, I thought I’d reflect on lessons learned. This isn’t intended to be too comprehensive or serious — just a handful of observations as I look ahead to the next ten years. But I hope a nugget or two will interest you, too. 1. Teaching is the most impactful aspect of tool building. When building a tool, it’s easy to forget how much you’ve internalized: how much knowledge and context you’ve assumed. Your tool can feel familiar or
State Of GDPR In 2021: Cookie Consent For Designers And Developers
As digital practitioners, GDPR has impacted every facet of our professional and personal lives. Whether you’re addicted to Instagram, message your family on WhatsApp, buy products from Etsy or Google information, no one has escaped the rules that were introduced in 2018.
Announcing Gatsby v3.0, Gatsby Hosting, All New Gatsby Image and More
Gatsby is a React-based open source framework with performance, scalability and security built-in. Collaborate, build and deploy 1000x faster with Gatsby Cloud.

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