Tech Snacks by Passionate People

A recurring segment during our weekly company call (This week at Passionate People), is called "Tech Snacks" where we share some interesting tech updates, releases, blog posts and news from all across the web, curated specially for our team.

Passionate People Tech Snacks for Week 28, 2021

The Command Pattern in TypeScript — Encapsulating Logic to Increase Maintainability
Learn how you can abstract complex logic into individual components with a few lines of code
React components and hooks library with native dark theme support and focus on usability, accessibility and developer experience
Access Guide
Access Guide is a friendly introduction to digital accessibility based on WCAG 2.1
How to: React Table with Search - RWieruch
How to use React Table Library with search. If you want to search your table data ...
⚛️ Hooks for virtualizing scrollable elements in React - tannerlinsley/react-virtual
Not All Components Are Created Equal
Here are several key ideas that hopefully help you gain new tools to identify why a set of components in your app may not be as readable as they could be. What are the pitfalls? Read on.
Refactoring CSS: Introduction (Part 1) — Smashing Magazine
CSS refactoring is not an easy task — it needs to be done in a way that doesn't create problems. First we need to analyze the existing codebase, audit CSS codebase health, discover weaknesses, agree on the approach, and convince management to invest time and resources into the process.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Testing Apollo in React
As the Apollo ecosystem evolves we find ourselves relying extensively on the underlying functionality it provides. The recent version 3 has…
npm audit: Broken by Design
Found 99 vulnerabilities (84 moderately irrelevant, 15 highly irrelevant)
BFF Pattern — Dos and Don’ts
The right way to implement backend-for-frontend
Release v8.0.0 · nestjs/nest
Features common: refactor the built-in console logger class #6142 #5353, separate out Logger wrapper class and ConsoleLogger class, add buffering logs feature (buffer init logs and flush them out ...
API with NestJS #39. Reacting to Stripe events with webhooks
In this article, we learn how to react to events that Stripe sends us. We do that by learning what webhooks are and how to use them.
Implementing Microservices in NodeJS | Frontegg
When building a microservice, there are a lot of top programming languages to choose from. One of them is NodeJS.
Exploring the Possibilities of Node’s Virtual Machine Module
Understanding context, execution, and use cases
A tool for writing better scripts. Contribute to google/zx development by creating an account on GitHub.
The great decoupling: Why web developers are looking at the edge
Web development hasn't changed a lot in 10 years, but modern browsers and APIs are opening the door for a new, decentralized approach known as Jamstack.
A catalog of programming languages. Contribute to prathyvsh/pl-catalog development by creating an account on GitHub.

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