Tech Snacks by Passionate People

A recurring segment during our weekly company call (This week at Passionate People), is called "Tech Snacks" where we share some interesting tech updates, releases, blog posts and news from all across the web, curated specially for our team.

Passionate People Tech Snacks for Week 32, 2021

GitHub OCTO | Visualizing a codebase
OCTO Project: How can we “fingerprint” a codebase to see its structure at a glance? Let’s explore ways to automatically visualize a GitHub repo, and how that could be useful.
Prefer Declarative State Updaters
Learn how declarative state updaters improve the quality of your component's code.
GitHub - BuilderIO/mitosis: Write components once, run everywhere. Compiles to Vue, React, Solid, Angular, Svelte, and more.
Write components once, run everywhere. Compiles to Vue, React, Solid, Angular, Svelte, and more. - GitHub - BuilderIO/mitosis: Write components once, run everywhere. Compiles to Vue, React, Solid,...
Catching Errors in React with Error Boundaries
Error handling is a must for every application, Error Boundaries are the React-way of dealing with errors within your apps
GitHub - web3rb/your-first-web3-dapp: Step-by-step guide to setting up and launching a TypeScript/React web app querying Ethereum blockchain data in standard querying language (GraphQL)
Step-by-step guide to setting up and launching a TypeScript/React web app querying Ethereum blockchain data in standard querying language (GraphQL) - GitHub - web3rb/your-first-web3-dapp: Step-by-s...
GitHub - sniptt-official/ots: 🔐 Share end-to-end encrypted secrets with others via a one-time URL
🔐 Share end-to-end encrypted secrets with others via a one-time URL - GitHub - sniptt-official/ots: 🔐 Share end-to-end encrypted secrets with others via a one-time URL
Complex vs. complicated | Swizec Teller
Would you rather work with a complex system or a complicated system? 🤔
Kreya | gRPC Client
Kreya: The ultimate gRPC GUI client. Calling APIs made easy. File based storage for easy git syncing.
Stay alert
A short while ago, Chrome broke the web by disabling alert(), confirm() and prompt() dialogs from...
HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts (Part 1) — Smashing Magazine
What exactly is HTTP/3? Why was it needed so soon after HTTP/2 (which was only finalized in 2015)? How can or should you use it? And especially, how does this improve web performance? Let’s find out.
Writing great alt text: Emotion matters
I recently got stuck trying to figure out the right alt text for a particular image…
Accessibility testing with Storybook
Fast feedback with integrated tooling
Frameworkless Web Applications - Mischa Spiegelmock
AWS acts like a framework of its own providing all of the facilities one needs for a web application. If we're talking about RESTful web services, it's possible to put together an extremely scalable, maintainable, and highly available application.
Patterns of Legacy Displacement
Patterns for the effective modernization of legacy software systems
11 Laws of Software Estimation for Complex Work
Wrong estimates aren’t your fault, but they are definitely your problem Image by PexelsI was sitting alone in a meeting room and anxiously waiting for my manager to enter. I had been summoned for a sudden meeting by our Chief Product Officer (CPO). He told me the meeting
What's new in ES2022?
Why Your Organization Needs a Federated Graph Interface
Learn everything you need to know about federated data architectures, the way they can be used to query data from decoupled services and Apollo Federation implementation.
GitHub’s Engineering Team has moved to Codespaces
Over the past months, we’ve left our macOS model behind and moved to Codespaces for the majority of development.

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