Tech Snacks by Passionate People

A recurring segment during our weekly company call (This week at Passionate People), is called "Tech Snacks" where we share some interesting tech updates, releases, blog posts and news from all across the web, curated specially for our team.

Passionate People Tech Snacks for Week 17, 2021

A Complete Guide To Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) With Next.js
Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) is a new evolution of the Jamstack, allowing you to update static content instantly without needing a full rebuild of your site. The hybrid approach of Next.js allows you to use ISR for e-commerce, marketing pages, blog posts, ad-backed media, and more.
21 Best Practices for a Clean React Project
Practical advice for improving code quality
The Complete Guide to Google's Core Web Vitals Performance Metrics
Content, keywords, and backlinks are important search ranking factors. However, compare two sites with similar content and target markets: the one with the best web experience should rank higher.
TypeScript with GraphQL done right
How to get the most of React application types with GraphQL code generation
Announcing Native TypeScript Support for Netlify Functions
Serverless made simpler! Native TypeScript support is the latest step in Netlify's quest to build simpler development workflows. Try for free today.
Tina Cloud, the next iteration of Forestry
Tina Cloud is our new headless API backed by Git, built on top on our open source visual editor TinaCMS. For now it only supports Next.js sites, support for non-react websites will come later.
Independent Components: The Web’s New Building Blocks
Why everything you know about microservices, micro frontends, monorepos, and even plain old component libraries, is about to change.
Incomplete List of Mistakes in the Design of CSS
Grid.js Advanced Table Plugin
Grid.js is a lightweight JavaScript table plugin that works on all web browsers and devices. Grid.js is open-source and it helps you create advanced tables in seconds!
Understanding the Roots of Our Cloud Complexity
How AWS and cloud computing shifted the complexity of our infrastructure
Blogumentation - Writing Blog Posts as a Method of Documentation
Why I'm starting to use blog posts as a form of documentation, and why I think they're so well suited.
Build a full API with Next.js
After years and years fighting with and against JavaScript build stacks, I eventually gave a try to N...
Webpack 5 Adoption on Next.js
Using TailwindCSS with Sveltekit
Earlier this week, Sveltekit beta got released (read all about it here). Since it's so new, I wanted...
Node.js support in Cloudflare Workers
Check out the current state of Node.js compatibility with Workers. We want to hear from you on which Node.js-dependent libraries and APIs we should support.
Going Serverless: A Case Study
Bobby Pantall, CC Pace's Lead Technology Consultant, walks through our latest Serverless project giving tips and lessons learned.

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